Realtech Properties is experienced when it comes to foreclosures in Douglas CountyThere are various appraisal challenges regarding a house in foreclosure or one that has reverted to the bank's holding.When dealing with a house in foreclosure, it's important to recognize market value versus a "quick disposition" value to analyze your potential charge-off liability. Realtech Properties has the training in both producing snapshots of market value for our mortgage lending clients, as well as "quick sale" forecasts that understand your time line.
Occupants of property in foreclosure may be uncooperative to allowing an inspection of the house, thus presenting special challenges. If they abandoned the home already, they might have not taken care of the home for quite awhile - or unfortunately, caused damage to the home.
If you're dealing with property that has already changed to Real Estate Owned, you will interested in an expedited disposition. However, you may want to know about and examine three values: as-is, as repaired, and "quick sale". These symbolize: |